Friday, 30 October 2015

Things To Gorge On This Halloween - 2015

With Halloween upon us this is season for treats and in all probability the only thing tricky about this post is to gorge in the delicacies that you will be able to churn up after reading this post. Halloween marks the beginning of the festive season in various parts of the world particularly the west and the kitchen is a likely refuge for food fanatics. Foods that look spooky but are sumptuous to taste is not that hard after all provided you have the gift of imagination as the following recipes will illustrate

happy halloween

Recipe 1

You can make the Brew-Ha-Ha Punch from My Recipes by the mixture of sugar in the quantity of two cups along with water amounting to two quarts. Further add two envelopes of powdered lime and pour pineapple juice of around 46 ounces. Finish the brew by adding ginger ale in the quantity of a quart . You may also want to add a bit of cauldron. Mix and serve.

Recipe 2
Create some poison apples which though scary looking turns out to be absolutely delicious to taste. First, you have to stir one and half cups of sugar, half cup of corn syrup and three-fourth of a cup of water in any saucepan. You then just have keep track of the thermometer and check temperatures periodically till it reaches 310° F. Then put it out of the stove and add a teaspoon of food coloring of the color of black. Dip apples in the candy and let it cool off on its own before skewing it with sticks.
 Recipe 3

If you wish to have something that is more savory this season, all you have to do is to take a hot dog then proceed to slice it all through and stuff the place with a stick of cheese. The next step is to wrap the whole ingredient bread dough that was made beforehand. Finally bake at 375° F for 15 minutes.

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 Management Writing Solutions

Sunday, 4 October 2015

The Pros and Cons of Academic Writing Service

If you are on the lookout for a good academic writing service then fear not you are not alone in your opinion that when it comes to your assignments, upon which your grades depend, it is best to avail the services of a professional writing service. Further the stigma that was attached to seeking for expert help in the days gone by has now by and large vanished. However the services of academic writers have its own share of advantages which we will examine in some detail in this blog post.

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 The Advantages 

 Seeking expert help lets you focus and concentrate your energies on a priority basis. The need for this is illustrated by the fact that the time you save can be devoted to more productive and activities that have more utility according to your particular priority. These might even involve activities that help to further the interest of your academics and career.
Some academic writing service further allows you to choose a specific writer from the pool of experts on their payroll. This will ensure that you get to work with a writer who suits your required style of writing and with whom you are comfortable working with.Good academic writing service providers see to it that the essay is free from plagiarism and is custom written to suit your needs.

The nature of your relationship with your online academic writing company is kept confidential and this is a practice followed by all good academic writing service providers.Though the writing style of two different people is in no way totally the same in most cases if the writer is good one the voice and tone should usually be similar.

The Disadvantages

Though you may actually devote the time saved by hiring professional essay writers to studies that have a greater priority but the fact remains that you miss out on the aims which were intended to be achieved by the people who drafted the essay assignment. This may be, however, remedied by going through the essay and the sources in a comprehensive manner whenever possible.
You will have to part with a certain amount of money according to the charges of your chosen service provider. The determining factor in this is usually the number of pages and the time at hand. The nature of the paper to be written is also another determining factor.

Some eccentric and high handed people sometimes feel unsatisfied because the essay is not their creation. However for most, the high grades and quality work would do just fine. A good service provider of academic writing will ensure that you get only the best in terms of quality and plagiarism free work.

Significant Increase in the Number of Female B-School Students

Though business schools have been quite vocal in their demand of better women representation at the top rung of the corporate hierarchy but little was done. However, things are gathering steam finally as the lowly figures of female enrolment witness a significant change.
The White House Initiative
At the initiative of the White house, in the recent past no less than forty top schools pledged to give their diversity a much needed boost amidst the prevailing sentiment of inclusiveness. 
Ever since, the graphs for figures of female enrolment have witnessed a great surge. The Tuck School of Business in Dartmouth witnessed 42% of its incoming class of MBA cohorts being women which was an increase of a healthy 10% from that of the previous year and a record for the institution in itself. Wharton, Kellogg School and Chicago Booth reported increase in percentage of the number of female MBA cohorts.
According to Bill Boulding who happens to be the dean at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, solid steps are being taken by MBA schools to make sure student diversity is an essential part of demographics of their students.

The Larger Picture

This follows close on the heels of concerns that there was an absence of diversity in top MBA programs which was an echo of a broader problem faced by corporate institutions. This led to significant investment by schools to develop and put into use new strategies to attract female students.

Harvard Business School, for one, launched its Gender Initiative in May and MIT Sloan School has also jumped on the bandwagon. The Berkeley-Haas School in California followed suit with their “Gender Equity Initiative leading to an increase of 50% female students when accounted year-over-year.

This change is not limited to North America alone and has found echoes in countries like China and UK as well. Take for instance the Fudan University School of Management in China, 59% of whose students were female in the MBA class of the previous day. Similarly Imperial College and Lancaster University Management School had 50% female students as women among its MBA cohorts. A group of business schools in Australia is also looking forward towards raising $20 million in order to enroll 320 female cohorts over a period of three years.
But the problem, as Dr. Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj who is an associate professor at Henley Business School, puts it is that a post graduate program is worth the investment.
This increase in the number of MBA cohorts at top MBA programs may also be partially be attributed to the increase in the number of women sitting for the GMAT which is the common entrance test to business schools.

According to data revealed by the administrator of the test the GMAC  that more women are sitting for the test than men in several countries among which include China, Finland and Russia. There was a total of 17,479 more females than males studying for GMAT in these countries.

But some academics opine that the recruitment part is only a piece of the larger jigsaw puzzle where the administrative and academic leadership is dominated by males and overwhelmingly so.

Shared by Management Writing Solutions

Thursday, 1 October 2015

How to Deal With the Sleep Disturbing Pressure of Deadlines While Writing Assignments

The constraints of time as well as the difficulty levels lead to tremendous pressure when one has to consider the ever approaching deadlines of writing assignments. They demand, if you wish to alone, much attention as well as concentrations and eventually lead you to feel anxious. At this juncture you need to take control of yourself as well as the situation at hand.

The Steps to Take
So, in order for proper management of assignments and dealing with the pressure that goes along with it, a suitable plan cannot be done without. But the buck does not stop there as you have to ensure that the plan is properly implemented. This step in itself takes a large part of the load off your shoulders.

List out Your Tasks

Jotting down all the academic assignments that needs attention is another way to take away some of the pressure. Make it a point to prioritize what needs to be done first. Also try to figure out whether you will be requiring help for any particular assignment and search for suitable resources.

Write Out the Plan
After the initial listing of the assignments on hand, the next logical step is to determine how to finish them in a planned way keeping in mind the deadlines. Your plan should incorporate room for mistakes as well as correcting them. So set deadlines that allow room for maneuvering before the actual deadline of the submission.

Start small and tackle the assignments that are the smallest in scope so that you don’t have to worry about them anymore. A shrewd step is to place small tasks in between their larger counterparts.

The planning stage should require the least amount of time as enough time needs to be kept at hand before you actually carry it out.

Implementing the Plan
The main requirement in this phase is follow the set down plan diligently while exercising self-discipline. Learn to motivate yourself and remind yourself time and again as to what you may stand to lose if the plan is not followed. The buffer times should, ideally, be not used at all as it is only cases that are like emergencies.

In One Go

As a conclusion we may state that though writing assignments are indeed a difficult task and the pressure of deadlines may be overwhelming it is manageable and will not affect your sleep as long as you follow a methodical plan.